Awesome Aqua

Some weeks ago I wrote a post about yoga with bunnies (post here), but now, there seems to be another sort of yoga. Aquabase or Floatfit is a type of  yoga and fitness which makes people do their exercises on a mat on the water. It’s extremely hard, because it’s challenging to keep your balance on these boards. Originally from the UK, but I’ve also seen it in the Netherlands already. In fact, you don’t have to do just yoga on these floating mats, you can do pilates, aerobics and maybe later some team sports!

It’s interesting that we keep combining everything these days. Yoga with bunnies, yoga on water, but also sports like yogalates and boxing yoga seem to take over the sports industry. We keep getting creative sports wise, and that way, we can keep sport interesting and never boring. People who like both sports, can now go loose on these combo sports. Personally, I like swimming, and I like yoga. And in these busy days I can imagine it’s nice to sort of combine these two in one lesson. Two in one! This way, sports like these can improve people’s quality of life because they can do more in a shorter amount of time. Of course, you can also keep doing both if you want, but it’s nice that nowadays, we have the opportunity to do something special.

I would love to see how this will develop. Maybe like I said, we could do team sports on these floating things, or who knows what they will come up with in the years to come. Perhaps, a whole new sport will develop, who knows!


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