Johnny Bio-Goode

Afval-in-biosgas-650x420 Afval-in-biosgas2-512x341

What is it?

It is an initiative from a group of 80 restaurants and caterers from Paris to make their food waste into biogas and compost. This can be used to warm up farms around Paris. It is an action which runs ahead on a law which makes its entrance in 2016 in France. This law obligates 1 in 5 restaurants to recycle their food. If they don’t cooperate, they will get a fee of €75.000.

Why is it cool?

This initiative gives an insight on how much food French restaurants throw away. We know a lot these days and people want to know everything. They want to know where this waste goes to and what it’s used for. In this case it’s clear what this waste does and where it’s used for. I must note that biogas is in a lot of commotion these days because of the wasted food which can also be used as food for poor people or animals which produce food. In this case it’s about waste, and you don’t want to feed someone or an animal waste, do you?

Why has it future growth potential?

Now this initiative is in France only but it can be an idea to have this law everywhere in the world. I think this will be the case in a few years, although in France waste rates are extremely high and food is being thrown away when it has not reached its expiry date. The waste problem is hot and happening and if we can use our waste into things which make it easier to warm up our homes or feed animals then it can become bigger. In the coming years our waste is growing and growing so action is needed!


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