Strange art

It’s no surprise many people like to spend their free time by going to museums, but there are also people who don’t go to museums very often and then something fun happens.

Some boys had laid a pair of glasses on the floor of a modern art exhibition in San Francisco. First, nothing happened, but then a few people noticed them and started making pictures. At first, this maybe not very interesting, but the thought behind why people thought it was a work of art is very interesting. People go to a museum to be inspired, to see someone’s work who expresses their feelings through a work of art. Of course, at least I can imagine, works of art are rarely straightforward, they don’t seem to be what they look. That’s why the teenager who did this prank wanted to see what happened. A lot of art is strange (just admit it), and it’s interesting that people still think a pair of glasses can be something of value.

That, we see more often nowadays. People give value to what they find important. We tend to feel more then we think, and if we feel okay, then it’s fine. Decisions are often made with our hearts instead of our heads in these days, where everything seems to be about being in the moment, the now, the quick living style. It’s beautiful that people can give their own expressions to such ordinary objects.

Even though it was a prank, I might not even be surprised if this was a real work of art somewhere in this world. Add something like: be open, use your eyes to really see, such things, will work. But even without a subtitle, people will, as you see, think what it’s about for themselves. Several years ago, the same boys also had success with the same prank, but then by using a baseball cap and a bin.

I wish I could have seen the moment the boys took the glasses off the floor and walked away though…
