On the menu: plants and flowers

They already appear more often, the edible flowers, plants and even mosses. We already eat mushrooms and herbs for a very long time, but grasses and seaweeds are also up and coming as culinary delicacies. So today, we will give this day a moment of thought with everything that Mother Earth has to offer. So do you want to surprise someone with a nice flower bouquet, while you also want to eat something, keep on reading!


Let’s start with eating seaweed. This isn’t strange at all anymore because we all know them from Japanese restaurants, who serve weeds as wakame. Maybe you have already heard of this dish or even eaten it yourself. Also up and coming is the weedburger, a hamburger made of wakame. Which is also regularly eaten are the well-known weed leafs from which we make sushi. This species of weed called nori has been integrated into our cuisine for a long time. Nori and wakame are full of calcium and are also rich in protein and several vitamins and minerals.


Basically, you can eat grass. The only problem is that us humans can’t digest grass in its normal form. However, grasses are perfectly juice-able. In Japan, China and Southern Asia they have a desert made of grass, namely grass jelly. This is made of a plant which is a relative from the mint (from mint tea). Last year it was the year of wheat grass and therefore, it was hot to make wheat grass shakes. What people may or may not know is that you can also do that from normal grass from your garden or neighborhood. Just watch out that the grass isn’t polluted, as well by pesticides as by animal excrements before you’re about to consume it. Therefore, it’s a good idea to grow your own grass in your home, in case you’re super enthusiastic after reading this.


In fact, all mosses can be edible unless you cook them in the right way. If you don’t, they will taste terrible or will affect your digestive system. Not strange that the Danish top restaurant  Noma has something like that on the menu. They know particularly well how to prepare these mosses. Even the table decorations are edible and contain pieces of moss. The mosses on the menu are fried. Because mosses grow very slowly and can take in a lot of polluted substances, it’s not a good idea to just go to the forest, fry some moss and eat it. Let that to the professionals for now.


A lot of people may not know it, but flowers are beside grasses, mosses and herbs perfectly edible. Of course, not all of them but still, you have a fairly big amount of the edible ones. Working with edible flowers is nice because they let your dish stand out really well and it looks very bright. Several edible flowers we all know are daisies, violas, dandelions, primroses and even normal roses. For all these flowers go that they have to be fresh, so not polluted. So did you get a bouquet of flowers from someone who isn’t that nice anymore, you can still eat them in case you’re very hungry.

So I hope that I have inspired you to eat some plants on this day. Earth itself has enough to offer which are perfectly edible and tasty for daily dishes. So go to the forest once in a while and surprise someone with a colorful and outstanding dish!
